Awake and Armored                   

Rom. 13:11-13

I. You Need to Awake out of Spiritual Sleep (Romans 13:11)


A. The Consequences of Spiritual Slumber

·       Illustration of spiritual slumber in the context of daily life

·       Paul's exhortation in 1 Corinthians 15:54 to wake from spiritual stupor

·       The shame of Christians living in a spiritual fog and the impact on those who don't know God


B. Awakening to Our Sinfulness and Need for God

·       The experience of heightened awareness of sin and God's grace when spiritually awakened

·       Personal reflection on moments of awakening in one's spiritual journey

·       Encouragement to recognize our sinfulness and our dependency on God


II. You Need to Armor Yourself in Spiritual Darkness (Romans 13:12)


A. Living in the Light (Ephesians 5:8)

·       The contrast between light and darkness in the Christian life

·       The call to abstain from participating in the works of darkness

·       Emphasis on living righteously, pursuing holiness, and sharing the Gospel as a radiant light


B. The Armor of God (Ephesians 6:16-17)

·       The belt of truth, vest of living righteously, and Gospel footwear

·       The shield of faith as a vital defense against Satan's attacks

·       The helmet of salvation as assurance of yoru identity in Christ

·       The Sword of the Spirit as specific scriptural statements


C. Radiating in the Armor of Light (Romans 13:12)

·       The transformation and radiance of believers who put on the armor of light

·       The contrast between spiritual awakening and spiritual blindness

·       Invitation to respond to Christ's call and experience new life in His light


Application questions:


1.    How did the Holy Spirit illuminate or convict you of truth from this sermon?

2.    Have you ever experienced a spiritual awakening? If so, what led to it, and how did it change your life?

3.    How does being spiritually asleep affect your witness to those who don't know God?

4.    In what areas of your life do you need a spiritual awakening right now?

5.    What are some practical steps you can take to put on the armor of light in your daily life?

6.    How can you strengthen your shield of faith to block Satan's darts of doubt and accusation?

7.    Are you confident in your salvation, and how does this confidence impact your spiritual life?

8.    Do you actively use the Sword of the Spirit (God's Word) in your daily spiritual battles? If so, how?

9.    What changes do you notice in individuals who have put on the armor of light and awakened spiritually?