Generous Hospitality

Romans 12:13

Why be generous & hospitable?

1. You should share with believers in need (13a)

2. You should be eager to show hospitality (13b)

Application questions:


1.    How did the Holy Spirit illuminate or convict you of truth from this sermon?

2.    What is the central message of Romans 12, and how does it relate to the concept of living as a Christian?

3.    In the sermon, Pastor mentioned the importance of sharing with believers in need. How does the mercies of God serve as a motivation for such sharing?

4.    The sermon highlighted the significance of generosity and giving in the life of a Christian. How does Jesus' teachings on money and possessions impact your understanding of stewardship and giving?

5.    According to the sermon, why is hospitality an essential aspect of Christian living? How does biblical hospitality differ from simply having family or close friends over?

6.    Pastor noted that Americans tend to value their privacy, leading to a decline in socialization and community living. How can the church address this challenge and encourage a culture of hospitality within its members?

7.    How can we practically apply the concepts of sharing with believers in need and showing hospitality in our daily lives?

8.    Pastor mentioned the use of the Rule of 3 and the Circle of 10 to help visitors feel welcomed in the church. What other practical steps can we take to make newcomers feel at home and part of the church family?

9.    What are some potential challenges or obstacles to practicing generosity and hospitality? How can we overcome these challenges and cultivate a spirit of giving and openness in our lives?