Lessons From a Father to His Son (1 Chron. 28:1-10)

  1. What did the Holy Spirit teach you from this passage?

  2. Are you leading your children (or people younger than you) into a personal, intimate knowledge of God?

  3. Can you know God even if you've failed God and done things you wish you could take back? Give biblical examples

  4. How does bowing your heart and mind to God's will send a powerful message to those who are watching you?

  5. What are the consequences of seeking the Lord with your whole heart?

  6. What are the consequences of forsaking the Lord?

  7. Why do we not have to weep and worry about the elections or fret and fear if our candidate is defeated?

  8. How is it comforting to know that even when you don't know what you're supposed to do with your life, God does?

  9. Are you thankful that even though you’re not perfect (like David or Solomon), if you belong to Christ—then God’s grace is greater than your sin?