Leaders as Gifts

Eph. 4:11



Who are the leaders God gives as gifts to the church?


I. Apostles: Laying the Foundation (11a)

A. Definition of Apostles and their Unique Commission

B. The Limited Number of Apostles Chosen by Christ

C. The Exclusive Qualification: Personal Encounter with the Risen Christ


II. Prophets: Conveyors of Direct Revelation (11b)

A. Role of Prophets in Sharing God's Direct Messages

B. The Cessation of Prophetic Gifts with the Foundation Laid

C. Caution Against Extrabiblical Revelation and Trust in Scripture's Sufficiency


III. Evangelists: Bearers of the Good News (11c)

A. Definition of Evangelists and Their Role in Spreading the Gospel

B. The Shared Responsibility of All Believers in Evangelism

C. Recognizing Evangelism as Essential for Church Vitality


IV. Pastor-Teachers: Shepherding and Nourishing the Flock (11d)

A. Combined Role of Pastors and Teachers in Church Leadership

B. The Necessity of Teaching for Church Growth and Edification

C. The Call to Repentance and Returning to the Good Shepherd

 Application questions:


1.    What did the Holy Spirit teach you from this passage?

2.    Identify the leadership roles mentioned in Ephesians 4:11. How are these roles essential for the functioning of the church?

3.    What is the role of evangelists, and how does it differ from having the gift of evangelism?

4.    How can individuals engage in evangelism even if they don't have the specific gift of evangelism?

5.    Think about the concept of undershepherds pointing to the Chief Shepherd. How does this perspective shape your understanding of pastoral leadership?

6.    Consider the illustration of the jogger on Venus, the snowman in Miami, and the fish on a couch. In what ways have you been attempting to live outside the design and purpose God has for you, and how can you align your life more closely with His intended plan?

7.    Think about the challenges mentioned in the sermon, such as worry and anxiety. How can you apply the teaching about casting your cares on Christ to overcome these challenges in your life?

8.    Examine your prayer life. Are you regularly praying for your church leaders, including pastors, evangelists, and other spiritual mentors? How can you deepen your commitment to interceding for those who lead and teach in your church?

9.    Evaluate your involvement in evangelism. Are you actively sharing the Good News, and how can you contribute to the church's evangelistic efforts?