Walking in the Light                               

Romans 13:13-14



A. Augustine's conversion

B. Awakening to the spiritual battle

C. Living for eternity


I. Walking in the Light

A. The call to walk honestly, as in the day

B. The need to cast off the works of darkness

C. Making no provision for sinful desires


II. Putting Off Sinful Desires

A. Substance abuse

B. Sexual immorality

C. Strife and envy


III. Putting On Christ

A. Clothed with Christ at conversion

B. The ongoing choice to put on Christ daily

C. The armor of light as a reflection of our union with Christ


IV. Love and Unity

A. Recognizing God's design for unity in relationships

B. The destructive nature of sin in tearing apart what God has joined together


Application Questions:


1.    How did the Holy Spirit illuminate or convict you of truth from this sermon?

2.    What does it mean to "walk in the light" in today's culture, and why is it important?

3.    How do worldly distractions lull us into spiritual sleep and keep us from experiencing the fullness of life in Christ?

4.    In what ways can you guard against making provision for sinful desires and instead choose to live in obedience to God?

5.    How can you identify and cast off the works of darkness in your own life, particularly in the areas of substance abuse, sexual immorality, and envy?

6.    How does sin tear apart relationships and unity, and why is it essential to recognize God's design for unity in our interactions with others?

7.    Have you been living like a "subway thief," seeking happiness in worldly pleasures that ultimately lead to death and darkness?

8.    What steps can you take to run from the deeds of darkness and intentionally clothe yourself in the Lord Jesus Christ?

9.    Can you share personal examples of times when you've experienced the transient nature of earthly pleasures and the lasting joy of walking in the light?